Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, proudly unveiled the staggering success of the messaging platform, emphasizing its meteoric rise in popularity and financial prowess. With a current user base of 900 million monthly active users, a substantial leap from the 500 million recorded at the beginning of 2021, Telegram stands as one of the world’s most sought-after social networking applications.
Monetization Strategies and Revenue Surge
Durov shared insights into Telegram’s financial standing, revealing that the platform now rakes in “hundreds of millions of dollars” in revenue. This significant uptick in earnings followed the introduction of advertising and premium subscription services. The visionary leader hinted at the likelihood of Telegram becoming profitable next year, or even as early as the current year, given favorable conditions.
Valuation and IPO Prospects
Telegram’s remarkable success has not gone unnoticed by potential investors. Durov disclosed that various “global last-stage technology funds” have proposed a valuation surpassing $30 billion for the company. However, he firmly asserted that selling the platform is not on the cards. Instead, Telegram is exploring the prospect of an initial public offering (IPO) to maintain its independence.
“The main reason we started monetizing is that we wanted to remain independent. Overall, we see the value [of an IPO] as a means of democratizing access to Telegram’s value,” explained Durov.
Potential U.S. Listing and User Involvement
Sources close to the matter suggest that Telegram is likely to pursue a U.S. listing once the company achieves profitability and market conditions align favorably. Durov refrained from specifying the IPO’s timing or location but affirmed that Telegram is considering various options. Notably, he expressed interest in involving loyal users in the IPO process, taking inspiration from Reddit’s user-centric approach.
Moderation Upgrades and AI Implementation
With numerous elections unfolding globally, Durov outlined Telegram’s commitment to enhancing its moderation processes. The platform plans to deploy artificial intelligence mechanisms to address potential issues, striking a balance between user freedom and responsible content management. Durov emphasized that, as long as users do not cross red lines, their expression would not be subject to extensive monitoring.
Telegram’s journey from a niche messaging app to a global powerhouse reflects not only its commitment to user privacy but also its strategic approach to financial sustainability and future growth. As the platform eyes profitability and a potential IPO, the tech world watches with anticipation to see how Telegram’s next chapters unfold.